project room

Move projects forward, faster

Drag, drop, and organize apps, docs, and notes in one place. Grant room access to team members so you can meet together or async to work on projects.

Move projects forward, faster

Finish projects faster as a team

Instead of endless back and forth threads about a project, consolidate everything—from tools to people to conversations—in one project room.

Cut the context switching

Stop toggling between tabs and notifications. Add all the tools, docs, and apps related to a project in one room to reduce context switching.

Make async work productive

Use rooms to quickly check in on a project or hunker down for deep work. When everything is in one place, you have an always-on bird’s-eye view of what’s happening.

Reduce meeting prep

Instead of scrambling to find links and information before a project meeting, simply gather in your project room knowing all your materials are already there. All you need to do is add an agenda.

Every app you use works in Switchboard


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Other ways to use Switchboard

Learn how you can get more done as a team—and cut more meetings—on all types of projects.

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How to get more done in sprint planning

Sprint planning is simple on paper, but gets more complicated in real life, especially when you’re not in the same room

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Reduce meeting prep

Sprint planning is simple on paper, but gets more complicated in real life, especially when you’re not in the same room

Learn more