Get your time back

Free your calendar from unproductive meetings

According to Microsoft, meetings have jumped 153% since the pandemic. How many of those were really necessary? How much of your team's productive work time was interrupted by bad status calls?

Product managers deal with many cross-functional players across tons of meetings and apps. Do it flawlessly with Switchboard.

Gain hours back by making bad status meetings async

Switchboard will help you and your team eliminate unproductive meetings or turn hour-long meetings into efficient 15 minute stand-ups.

Connect your teams better
(both in and out of meetings)

Help your engineers, product managers, designers and sales leaders come together both synchronously and asynchronously to replace, prepare and follow up post meetings.

Reduce unproductive status calls

Eliminate the need for follow up meetings by allowing those post meeting tasks to be done and reported on asynchronously in the room without having to come back together.

Every app you use to get work done together works in Switchboard

Time is money.
Get your time back.

Switchboard helps you to work with your teams both synchronously and asynchronously from anywhere at any time.