
Always know the latest numbers

You can't use data to make important decisions if you can't see it. Visualize all your data across any distinct apps or docs with an always-on home for all your dashboards in one place.


Switchboard helps business owners, analysts, and data visualization leaders:

  • Display multiple dashboards side by side in a single space the whole team can access
  • Draw conclusions based on a single view of disparate data sources
  • Share updates with stakeholders in a meeting or asynchronously
  • Provide a space for people to ask questions about data in context of any web-based app or report

Use any tool, including:


Reduce prep time

Prepping for a meeting or gathering information for a report? Don’t sweat it. Instead of opening tons of tabs, just go to your dashboard room for all the latest numbers you need.


Keep your team aligned

Add dashboards from places like Amplitude, Google, Linear, and Looker to create a single source of truth so everyone can base their decisions on the right data, and the same data.


See the full picture

Centralize your dashboards, no matter where they live, for a comprehensive view. Instead of searching for links, simply head to your dashboard room for all the metrics.

Any tool, side-by-side

Any web-based tools work natively in Switchboard’s browser apps—so you can close out those extra tabs and focus on results. Just paste a URL into the canvas and you’re in. You can add text, sticky notes, and PDFs too.

All the tools you already use work with Switchboard

Keep everyone on the same page

See all your dashboard data in one place to do what matters—make a decision and get work done—all from Switchboard.


Keep everyone on the same page

See all your dashboard data in one place to do what matters—make a decision and get work done—all from Switchboard.

Dashboards resources


What is context switching and how can you combat it?

Learn how context switching negatively impacts your teams. Then, discover ways to reduce it and improve team productivity.

How to build trust in the workplace for outstanding teamwork

Discover how you can learn from the best when it comes to building workplace trust—and create a culture of true collaboration.

How to build a company performance dashboard

Bring together your Sales and marketing data, user research, product engagement, analytics reports, customer feedback, in one view with no code in a Company Performance Dashboard room in Switchboard.


Get on the same page.
In the same space.

Bring everyone and everything together into a
dynamic, digital work canvas.