Project retrospective

Run retrospectives that propel projects forward

Regardless of the tools and time zones where your team works, you can unite them in a retrospective room to capture feedback and action items for improvement.

Project retrospective

Switchboard helps project managers and stakeholders:

  • Provide all meeting materials and meeting links in one URL.
  • Participate like they’re in the same room together no matter where they are.
  • Track and implement action items and keep them visible after the retro.
  • Offer flexibility in how they participate in a discussion.

Use any tool, including:


Host everything in one URL

Your retrospective meeting room, agenda, whiteboard, and relevant project materials all live under the same URL so everything you need is in one place.


No-friction participation

Interact with anything on the canvas, add sticky notes, and see your colleagues like you’re in the room—or use interactive videos for async participation.


Actionable follow-ups

Everything in the room before, during, and after the meeting is accessible so you can work directly in the apps and docs where you need to make changes for next time.

Any tool, side-by-side

Any web-based tools work natively in Switchboard’s browser apps—so you can close out those extra tabs and focus on making progress. Just paste a URL into the canvas and you’re in. You can add images, videos, text, sticky notes, and PDFs too.

All the tools you already use work with Switchboard

Keep everyone on the same page

It all starts with a Switchboard room—and we already built it for you.


Keep everyone on the same page

It all starts with a Switchboard room—and we already built it for you.

Project retrospective resources


How to run a sprint retrospective: A guide for highly collaborative teams

Discover the steps to conduct an impactful sprint retrospective meeting—and increase team productivity and output.

7 best sprint retrospective tools in 2024

Discover the best tools out there for hosting sprint retrospectives in 2024—and improve productivity and output.

What is a sprint retrospective? A guide for product leaders

Discover what a sprint retrospective is and its many benefits—and how doing it right can improve productivity and morale.

Better project meetings

Is there a way to make project meetings more useful for your team? Here’s what we’ve found that can improve your meetings going forward.


Get on the same page.
In the same space.

Bring everyone and everything together into a
dynamic, digital work canvas.