Sprint planning

Better sprint planning means hitting more goals

Stop having to 'circle back'—get everyone on the same page during the sprint planning process by bringing roadmaps, issues, tests, and tasks into an interactive room. Smoother planning means stronger roadmaps.

Sprint planning

Switchboard helps product leaders and engineers:

  • Stay aligned with a dedicated space to share work and track project milestones
  • Host status meetings, both scheduled and impromptu
  • Display multiple pieces of content side by side to get a comprehensive view of the sprint
  • Always know where to find everything related to a single sprint instead of digging through emails or Slack

Use any tool, including:


Reduce prep time

Stop spending too much time gathering your product roadmap and tracking tools before the meeting. Everything you open is there where you left it for the next sprint.


Keep work moving

With everything related to a sprint in one spot, the whole team has a bird’s-eye view of how work is going. Jump into the room any time to check on work— without scheduling a meeting.


Host better stand-ups

Hold your stand-up and sprint planning meetings alongside the work you're discussing—always from the same URL—whether it's scheduled or on the spot.

Bring your own tools

Any web-based tools work natively in Switchboard’s browser apps—so you can close out those extra tabs and focus on planning. Just paste a URL into the canvas and you’re in. You can add images, videos, text, sticky notes, and PDFs too.

All the tools you already use work with Switchboard

Keep everyone on the same page

Engage your team before, during, and after sprint planning meetings to get sprint work done, in Switchboard.


Keep everyone on the same page

Engage your team before, during, and after sprint planning meetings to get sprint work done, in Switchboard.

Sprint planning resources


Backlog grooming vs sprint planning: What’s the difference?

Understand the differences between backlog grooming vs sprint planning—and how to prepare for each session to ensure success.

What is the role of a Scrum Master in a sprint retrospective?

Discover the role and responsibilities of a Scrum Master in the sprint retrospective and beyond—and hold more productive meetings.

How to run a sprint retrospective: A guide for highly collaborative teams

Discover the steps to conduct an impactful sprint retrospective meeting—and increase team productivity and output.

How to get more done in sprint planning meetings

Sprint planning is simple on paper, but gets more complicated in real life, especially when you’re not in the same room. Learn how to get more done during the meeting.

Better project meetings

Is there a way to make project meetings more useful for your team? Here’s what we’ve found that can improve your meetings going forward.


Get on the same page.
In the same space.

Bring everyone and everything together into a
dynamic, digital work canvas.